Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy New Year

*long winded ramble*
......said i'd get in there early meself so I wont be spending the last hour or 5 of 2012 liking "happy new years satus'". Happy new year to everyone who knows me especially the people this year who I accepted as friends despite not having a clue who ye are. I even love ye ye freaks.......I'll be down in my shed at the turn of the year in darkness... with nothing but a torch doing scary faces continuing in my quest to break my social media addiction.
 Ill be logging off then for a bit after a week or so to try see what life is really like again for a laugh. I will of course be telling myself the obligatory lies that I am going to get fit and stay off the hooch and all that bullshit for about 4 days until the weekend comes around and the January blues kick in and I sprint to super valu for 10 dutch gold and eat 4 breast in a bun in me jocks to the crying game soundtrack while the rest of the family sleeps.
I'm thinking of taking up smoking as well for the bang. Its the only bad habbit I never had and i'm dying to get hooked on the fags if im honest. Genuinley though going to cut the booze back to 6 days a week. I had hoped the budget would up the drink to about a fiver a can to save me but it looks like I'm actually going to have to try kick the booze myself.
I have had several messages about the bins and to be honest the year has ended very badly in regard to the bins and recycling. I have enough cardboard and recycling in the garage to make a small village that could end the homeless situation on mainland europe.
I found 2 lads this morning asleep in the boxes when I went out there.The main bin has actually come alive and is trying to empty itself and I still have no idea what day that the bin men will return but my whole January will be spent peeping out the windows at 6 am waiting and watching and hoping that i see that orange light and hear country clean battering bins around and then I will have my revenge. 
I have serious dose of the rats and my head is like a Tim burton film from the lack of sleep. Every time I see the tin of roses I start to cry uncontrolably and last night I slept for over 2 whole hours with a giant caramel bar chasing me with betting tips.
Night is day and day is night at this stage. I was even crying watching the darts last night for no reason.
Once more unto the breech.Its been emotional. Catch you on the flip side. Don't ever bring a knife to a gun fight. in fact just dont go to a gun fight.

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