I no longer own anything. I never owned much in the first place but I really don't own nor have control of anything anymore. I don't even own my own thoughts. I used to enjoy my chronic insomnia as I felt it was great to be awake. Sleeping was and still is to an extent such a waste of time on this earth. We will sleep enough when we are gone.
We think we can control our own destiny yet I don't feel that is true. It could all be over in an instant tomorrow and what would we have achieved in our lives? I can only speak for myself I suppose. I control nothing anymore. Nothing is up to me.Those previous hours awake with dreams and plans and hopes for the future have been replaced with insecurity, fear, worry,stress and paranoia.
I'm overwhelmed with the unknown. I'm afraid of fucking everything. I used to be able to close my front door and leave all my cares outside til tomorrow but now they are in. Inside my home and inside my brain. Ever flowing non stop thought. The thoughts never stop coming.
They attack me at every angle with more worry and more stress. Where will it all end up? Will I live for another 3 years or 33 years or will I even live another 3 months? I'm clinging to my sanity.
If the devil appeared to me this minute with a contract of guaranteed life until I was 60 then I'd sign on the dotted line in a nano second. That would mean 100% I'd live another 22 years. I'd take it. I'd see my daughters grow up and hopefully I'd still be married. I could put a plan in place and map out my life for 22 years to come. It would eradicate my fear of not knowing when I was going to die.
I don't fear death. Not one bit. I fear not knowing when it will come. I feel it lurking always and I'm desperate for more certain time. Will I see Christmas? Will I see 2016 or 2025? If someone else was thinking these things I'd tell them to get a grip and you can only do the 24 hours in front if you so stop worrying. I'd tell them it could be a lot lot worse (and it could be as well).Funny how we can never take our own good advice? Funny how we can never say thanks to ourselves or have pride in ourselves?
So many things I wanted to see and do and now most are probably out of reach or impossible. I'm happy as a pig in shit withy own family and would live in a tent with a banjo and veg soup but what about my family? They are my worry. Who takes care of them when I can't even take care of myself?
Constant pounding of thought 21 hours a day......It's draining. ...I just want my brain to shut down for 5 mins or even just slow down or to have one instead of a multiple million thoughts every second of every day.
The search for inner peace continues while I have a hamsandwich at 5 in the morning.
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