This one will take a while so either log out or read the God damn blog. I've been thinking about ranting for a while. I never like to be serious or negative if I can help it as I have enough of that every minute of the day from others. At my worst you wouldn't know it as that's just the way I am built. I can be having the most stressful worrying anxious time yet I evolve to an outer body experience for preservation of character and to help others. I've suffered greatly at the hands of many years of poor mental health but this isn't about that.
Recently though I've been feeling all of my 38 years and 2014 has without doubt seen some of the biggest highs of my life and also the worst lows. I'd say the good V's bad axis is bang on 50/50 so in a way I'm hoping this rant will help at least make it 51% V 49% in favour of positivity. There will be absolutely no structure or flow to the rambling which is about to come. It is just an outpouring of ventilation from the soul. I am a person searching for a meaning as to why I am here. I've always been searching but I now know why I'm here.
I like to help others. I don't do it for recognition I don't do it for reward or anything like that. People always ask me why I go to such lengths to help total strangers etc. but I just like to help. It gives me massive satisfaction to help others no matter what the cost to me personally. I also like to write. I'm not very good at it but I do like it and I'm going to do more of it from now on instead of less.
I'm genuinely concerned about our future and our society and I'm sick of people moaning and moaning and yet doing nothing to try retrieve ourselves from mental and physical oblivion. Our social media and mainstream media drives this Johnny on the spot existence we now live in where we are actually experiencing every thing that happens bad or good as it is actually happening.
Just this last fortnight off the top of my head we had killings in a hostage situation in Australia along with a mother stabbing to death 7 children as well as over 140 people (mostly kids) killed by Taliban in Pakistan. We had killings in domestic abuse this morning in Canada and dreadful stories unfold from Cobh a few days back on top of an air Asia plane crash not to mention ebola or water charges.
It's just a non stop wave after wave of bad news after bad news and hatred after hatred. It seems like nothing will stop the juggernaut of evil anymore and all we do is talk and say "oh that is awful" and move on.
I used to think that it was only because now the world is such a small place and we hear the news faster etc. but it's not. It is simply because ,bad people, evil and hatred are now starting to triumph. They really are. We are all too busy trying to claw at everyday survival to do anything about it. We don't care anymore. We say we do but we don't. We do nothing or very little. We have given up in our own little bubble worlds afraid to put our necks above the water.
We need to correct this balance and we need to do it soon. As the quote says "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing". Martin Luther king said; "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it really is cooperating with it."
No need for anyone to start going on the street attacking bad people or no need to sign up for the army yet as the problem needs to start right at the very core of good peoples character, design and beliefs.
I used to think that it was only because now the world is such a small place and we hear the news faster etc. but it's not. It is simply because ,bad people, evil and hatred are now starting to triumph. They really are. We are all too busy trying to claw at everyday survival to do anything about it. We don't care anymore. We say we do but we don't. We do nothing or very little. We have given up in our own little bubble worlds afraid to put our necks above the water.
We need to correct this balance and we need to do it soon. As the quote says "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing". Martin Luther king said; "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it really is cooperating with it."
No need for anyone to start going on the street attacking bad people or no need to sign up for the army yet as the problem needs to start right at the very core of good peoples character, design and beliefs.
To redress the balance in favour of good over evil we start at the very start again and not just jump in the middle or top end of the problem. Just like the smallies learn to plant a small sunflower seed in school, water it and watch it grow, we as a society need to plant our own sunflower seed of good.
Forget banks, politicians and corrupt governments as they have failed us over and over and the systems they have prevent any good politicians from affecting real change. Forget they even exist for now. Just start planting good seeds wherever you go. Here is just a few things anyone can do instead of moaning and doing nothing and the more people that do this the more good it leads to for all and that sunflower of good will grow and grow.
Before we even get to trying to solve the bigger picture on the national and international scene look closer to home and community. Within the four walls of your own house do a self check. We all have issues in our lives regarding physical health and mental health and we all have bills and daily worries and relationship problems. Let people know this. Talk talk talk til you are blue in the face. Most people not only don't talk but they think the problems they have are confined to just them or another few.You are in fact in the majority and not the minority especially in todays world of financial and social ruin. We are gone privacy mad. Tell people your problems. Let them Help! They will help!
Stop running from any issues you have and instead face them. Stop escaping from them and running to the couch and the wine. Face them and change them. Get up. Do something different. Do absolutely anything but run from your problems and escape them. Suicide and depression are the murder of our government and the scurge of our society. Of that I have no doubt. Just tell anyone even a stranger at a bus stop that you are struggling and I can tell you despite what people say there is a mountain of help there.
Just take that first step to decide you will speak to a family member, friend, doctor or whoever and watch what happens. Watch the relief you get initially and then leave no stone unturned to battle back to strong mental health. The mental health talk is another story and I'll be writing about that soon. This is about regaining the good in the world.
Lets start reclaiming our communities and not accepting anti-social behavior. For those of you that don't get intimidated then challenge people on respecting others. Tell people skipping queues, loitering, littering, making noise or acting the maggot to cop on. Shame them if you have to. Ask people "why are you being negative?". I do it all the time in a respectful manner and it's a great feeling.There is nothing better than telling a bunch of teenagers that are being totally disrespectful to cop themselves on. They don't even know how to handle being challenged 9 times out of 10.
For those that do get intimidated then just help a neighbor or friend with something. Call to an elderly friend you know is struggling or alone. Instill old school beliefs that you have in your own children. Teach them manners and respect. Correct them when they are wrong and correct other children when they are wrong as well and to hell with whoever gets odd with you. Lets get the respect back and not be afraid. If you don't have kids then start making them. lol.
Get involved in your community in any way small or large. Join a group and affect change instead of talking about it. Volunteer somewhere. Be strong in your opinions and beliefs but show respect for others opinion and don't get personal.Never get personal. Take pride in yourself that you are still here battling away and keep pushing that rock up that hill. Keep trying to turn that tide of negative into positive. We can all do this.
Forget banks, politicians and corrupt governments as they have failed us over and over and the systems they have prevent any good politicians from affecting real change. Forget they even exist for now. Just start planting good seeds wherever you go. Here is just a few things anyone can do instead of moaning and doing nothing and the more people that do this the more good it leads to for all and that sunflower of good will grow and grow.
Before we even get to trying to solve the bigger picture on the national and international scene look closer to home and community. Within the four walls of your own house do a self check. We all have issues in our lives regarding physical health and mental health and we all have bills and daily worries and relationship problems. Let people know this. Talk talk talk til you are blue in the face. Most people not only don't talk but they think the problems they have are confined to just them or another few.You are in fact in the majority and not the minority especially in todays world of financial and social ruin. We are gone privacy mad. Tell people your problems. Let them Help! They will help!
Stop running from any issues you have and instead face them. Stop escaping from them and running to the couch and the wine. Face them and change them. Get up. Do something different. Do absolutely anything but run from your problems and escape them. Suicide and depression are the murder of our government and the scurge of our society. Of that I have no doubt. Just tell anyone even a stranger at a bus stop that you are struggling and I can tell you despite what people say there is a mountain of help there.
Just take that first step to decide you will speak to a family member, friend, doctor or whoever and watch what happens. Watch the relief you get initially and then leave no stone unturned to battle back to strong mental health. The mental health talk is another story and I'll be writing about that soon. This is about regaining the good in the world.
Lets start reclaiming our communities and not accepting anti-social behavior. For those of you that don't get intimidated then challenge people on respecting others. Tell people skipping queues, loitering, littering, making noise or acting the maggot to cop on. Shame them if you have to. Ask people "why are you being negative?". I do it all the time in a respectful manner and it's a great feeling.There is nothing better than telling a bunch of teenagers that are being totally disrespectful to cop themselves on. They don't even know how to handle being challenged 9 times out of 10.
For those that do get intimidated then just help a neighbor or friend with something. Call to an elderly friend you know is struggling or alone. Instill old school beliefs that you have in your own children. Teach them manners and respect. Correct them when they are wrong and correct other children when they are wrong as well and to hell with whoever gets odd with you. Lets get the respect back and not be afraid. If you don't have kids then start making them. lol.
Get involved in your community in any way small or large. Join a group and affect change instead of talking about it. Volunteer somewhere. Be strong in your opinions and beliefs but show respect for others opinion and don't get personal.Never get personal. Take pride in yourself that you are still here battling away and keep pushing that rock up that hill. Keep trying to turn that tide of negative into positive. We can all do this.
Tell people what they mean to you. Don't take those people in your life that you love for granted. Tell them how you feel. Don't be afraid to be the person you want to be. Go outside and exercise. Get fresh air. Meet people! Get their story! See how you can help? Smile! Forget about the evil that is money.
Do not look down or judge people. You don't know their story. There is bad and good in everyone. Acting out that bad or good is also a choice for everyone so choose good and positive over bad and negative. Stop letting others bring you down to their level. Stop holding grudges. Stop gossiping and reading people. Stop worrying about what others think about you. Stop trying to conform with what society wants you to.Just stop doing these things.
Negativity, hatred hurt and pain spread like a cancer through every crack in the surface of good but if we plants the seeds of positivity and we water those seeds then positivity and good can spread just as easy and it will mushroom up the line to other things.
A good place to start and a good template is to ask yourself if you were to be given one month to live would any of the negative things or troubles in your life matter anymore. My guess is that 99% of them won't so why should they when you are still alive and kicking. We get so little time between work and sleep that it is an enormous waste of time then to spend what little time you have control over by being negative or moaning. In fact do something or just don't fuckin moan.
Anyway that's my rant over. I hope we can all claw back the good in the world because evil is winning hands down these days and while I'm sure there is more good people than bad in the world the bad people are actually doing something and they are motivated by greed and money while we all sit and watch the X-factor.
Be kinder!Be nicer! Be friendly!Be positive!It's not that hard is it?